What kind of seismometers records horizontal motion during an earthquake?

A. one with a frame, spring, mass, pen, and rotating drum

B. one with a frame, wire, mass, pen, and rotating drum

To determine which kind of seismometer records horizontal motion during an earthquake, let's analyze the options provided:

A. One with a frame, spring, mass, pen, and rotating drum.
B. One with a frame, wire, mass, pen, and rotating drum.

In both options, we have a seismometer with a frame, mass, pen, and rotating drum. However, the crucial distinction lies in the component used to detect and record horizontal motion.

Option A includes a spring, which suggests that this seismometer is designed to primarily measure vertical motion. Springs are typically used to detect and measure changes in vertical position.

Option B includes a wire instead of a spring. The presence of a wire suggests that this seismometer is specifically designed to detect and measure horizontal motion. The wire acts as a horizontal sensing component, allowing the pen to record movements in the horizontal direction on the rotating drum.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Seismometers with frames, wires, masses, pens, and rotating drums are typically used to record horizontal motion during an earthquake.