
I am trying to come up with metaphor/simile to say that writing a newsletter in microsoft word is very difficult

ei discovered that writing an entire newspaper on Word rather than on Publisher was like trying to...

( do a greek puzzle blindfolded?)

How about?

Writing a newspaper on Word is like rolling Sisphus's boulder up hill.


Hi there!

Coming up with metaphors or similes can be a fun and creative way to express your ideas. If you want to convey that writing a newsletter in Microsoft Word is very difficult, here's a possible comparison:

"Writing an entire newsletter in Microsoft Word, instead of using dedicated software like Publisher, is like trying to solve a complex jigsaw puzzle with your eyes closed."

To explain how to come up with this metaphor, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the main difficulty or challenge: In this case, it is writing a newsletter in Microsoft Word instead of using a more suitable software like Publisher.

2. Find a comparison: Think of an activity or situation that is known to be difficult or challenging.

3. Establish the relationship between the difficulty and the comparison: Connect the main difficulty with the chosen comparison. In this example, the challenge of writing a newsletter on Word is compared to solving a complex jigsaw puzzle with your eyes closed, emphasizing the frustration and complexity of the task.

Remember, metaphors and similes are a matter of personal creativity, and you can choose any comparison that best fits your intended meaning. I hope this explanation helps you create a metaphor that accurately reflects your idea!