How many moles is 66.02 grams of Fe?

Convert it.

66.02gFe * 1moleFe/55.845gFe =


Watch your sig figs.

Your answer should have 4 sig figs in it because of 66.02

so 1.1822

WOOPS! Sorry. My computer froze and it posted this reply like 4 times.

No. That is 5 sig figs. You want 4 sig figs in your answer because of 62.02

So the answer would be 1.182

is that solutiom correct which is it

1.182 is correct.

(It has 4 "sig figs" or "significant figures" since the given quantity only had 4 sig figs. Your answer can only be as accurate as the least accurate number given to you. If you would include the digit when you write the value in scientific notation - it's a significant figure. If you wouldn't include it - it's not.)

To determine the number of moles in a given mass of a substance, you need to use the formula:

Number of moles = Mass / Molar mass

To find the molar mass of iron (Fe), you can consult the periodic table. The atomic mass of iron (Fe) is approximately 55.85 g/mol.

Now, using the given mass of 66.02 grams, you can substitute the values into the formula:

Number of moles = 66.02 g / 55.85 g/mol

Calculating this, you will find:

Number of moles = 1.18 mol

Therefore, 66.02 grams of Fe is equivalent to 1.18 moles.