The similarities between both, Macbeth and Hitler are that they both desired power. Both of them were cruel in getting what they wanted. They were from a very low social class and rose to a very high social class. Both of them had a belief. For Macbeth it was the witches and for Hitler it was the Aryan race.

Even though they had all these similarities they also had differences. Macbeth’s wife, lady Macbeth had a lot of power over him although in Hitler’s point of view, women were not to be seen or heard. In the last years of Macbeth’s life he showed guiltiness and regretted what he had done but as how selfish Hitler was, he did not regret at all on what he had did to Germany. A strong and powerful man like Macbeth never gave up but on the other hand a self-centered man like Hitler went on forgetting what consequences had occurred to Germany because of him.

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The similarities between Macbeth and Hitler are as follows:

1. Desire for Power: Both Macbeth and Hitler desired power and were willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve it. Macbeth's ambition to become king led him to commit heinous acts, while Hitler's thirst for power drove him to orchestrate the Holocaust and start World War II.

2. Cruelty: Both Macbeth and Hitler were cruel in their pursuit of power. Macbeth orders the murder of his friends and even kills women and children, while Hitler's Nazi regime committed countless atrocities, including the genocide of six million Jews.

3. Social Class: Both Macbeth and Hitler hailed from modest backgrounds and rose to positions of great social influence. Macbeth was a former soldier who became a nobleman and ultimately the king of Scotland, while Hitler, a failed artist and soldier, became the dictator of Nazi Germany.

4. Strong Beliefs: Macbeth was influenced by the witches' prophecies, which fueled his belief in fate and destiny. Hitler, on the other hand, espoused a racist ideology that promoted the supremacy of the Aryan race.

However, there are also notable differences between Macbeth and Hitler:

1. Influence of Women: Lady Macbeth held significant power over her husband and influenced his actions, while Hitler held a misogynistic view toward women, believing they should remain in traditional roles and have no say in politics or societal matters.

2. Regret and Guilt: Towards the end of his life, Macbeth experiences guilt and regret for his actions, understanding the consequences of his ruthless pursuit of power. Hitler, however, showed no remorse for the devastation he caused, remaining steadfast in his beliefs until his death.

3. Persistence: Macbeth, despite his guilt, continues to fight until his inevitable downfall, showing strength and determination. Hitler, on the other hand, demonstrated a lack of resilience, neglecting the consequences of his actions and refusing to accept any responsibility for his failures.

In summary, while Macbeth and Hitler share some similarities in their desires for power, cruelty, low social origins, and strong beliefs, their differences are evident in the influence of women, presence of guilt and regret, as well as their persistence in the face of adversity.

It is interesting to compare Macbeth and Hitler, as they both desired power and were willing to be cruel to achieve their goals. But they also had some differences in their characters and actions.

To elaborate on their similarities, both Macbeth and Hitler had a strong desire for power. Macbeth's ambitions were fueled by the prophecies of the witches, whereas Hitler was driven by his belief in the supremacy of the Aryan race. Both individuals came from low social classes and managed to rise to positions of great power and influence. They both had a strong belief system that guided their actions and influenced their decisions.

However, there were also notable differences between the two. In Macbeth's case, his wife Lady Macbeth played a significant role in influencing and manipulating him. She had power over him and was instrumental in pushing him towards the pursuit of power, even at the cost of moral principles. On the other hand, Hitler's view on women was quite different, as he believed that they should not have an active role in politics and society.

Another important distinction is how they felt about their actions later on. Towards the end of his life, Macbeth started showing guilt and remorse for the terrible deeds he had committed. He realized the consequences of his actions and experienced regret. In contrast, Hitler remained self-centered and showed no remorse for the devastating impact he had on Germany and the world. He did not seem to have any regret for the suffering he caused.

Lastly, Macbeth, despite the guilt he felt, did not give up. He showed determination and resolved to fight until the end. On the other hand, Hitler's actions were driven by his own selfish desires, and he seemed to disregard the consequences for Germany and its people.

In summary, while Macbeth and Hitler share some similarities in their desire for power and social ascent, their differences are also significant. Macbeth was influenced by his wife and felt remorse, whereas Hitler was self-centered and showed no regret. It is important to analyze historical figures and their actions in order to better understand the factors that drive individuals to pursue power and the consequences of their actions.