In general why is it good to have good ethics?

Peace of mind

Do no harm to others
Treat others the way you want to be treated
Bad ethics are often illegal

Why are positive benefits good? Besides the outcomes will be better?

intrinsic rewards

Having good ethics is important for several reasons. Firstly, good ethics help to establish trust and maintain positive relationships. When you consistently act with honesty, integrity, and respect, others are more likely to trust and respect you in return. This can be crucial in personal, professional, and social contexts.

Secondly, good ethics contribute to personal growth and development. When you prioritize and embody ethical principles such as fairness, empathy, and accountability, you become a better person. This can lead to improved self-esteem, a stronger sense of purpose, and a clearer moral compass.

Thirdly, good ethics promote a harmonious and just society. By behaving ethically, you contribute to a culture of fairness and justice. This can have a ripple effect, inspiring others to also act ethically and work towards common goals for the betterment of society.

To determine why it is good to have good ethics, you can explore ethical theories and philosophies. These provide frameworks for understanding and evaluating ethical principles and their implications. Examples include consequentialism (the belief that the morality of an action is determined by its consequences), deontology (the belief that certain actions are inherently right or wrong), and virtue ethics (the belief that ethical behavior stems from developing virtuous traits).

Additionally, it can be valuable to engage in ethical discourse and discuss ethical dilemmas. By examining real-life scenarios, weighing different perspectives, and considering various ethical frameworks, you can gain a deeper understanding of why good ethics are important in different situations.

In summary, having good ethics is beneficial because it builds trust, enhances personal growth, contributes to a just society, and can be explored through ethical theories and discussions.