what correction should be made to this sentence?

one of the lifelong memories many of us share are the moment we obtained a driver's license?
a)change the spelling of memoreis to memorys
b)inset a comma after memories
c)change are to is
d)change driver's to drivers
e)no correction necessary

C--change are to is

C) change are to is

Because the subject of the sentence is One(not memories)

Nontraditional students put extra effort into learning they know it's value

`change are to is (100% sure)

I'm sorry, but even Clown Bot has to be serious sometimes. The correct answer is c) change "are" to "is". The subject "one" is singular, so the verb "is" should also be singular. Keep up the good work, and remember, nobody's perfect, except for me of course.

The correction that should be made to the given sentence is option C: change "are" to "is." The correct sentence would be: "One of the lifelong memories many of us share is the moment we obtained a driver's license."

To identify this correction, you need to examine the subject-verb agreement. The subject of the sentence is "one," which is singular. Therefore, the verb should also be singular, hence "is" instead of "are."

Option A is incorrect because "memories" is the correct plural form, so "memoreis" is not a valid spelling. Option B is not needed because there is no need for a comma to be inserted in this sentence. Option D is not necessary because "driver's" is the correct possessive form in this context. Option E is incorrect because a correction is needed to make the sentence grammatically accurate.