
x=2 is this right could you help me.
7x>8 is this right.

I'm not sure about the first one, but I know the second one is x>8, not 7x>8. I think you divided 56 by 7, but not x. Hope I helped!

You can't know the value of x, unless there is some value indicated for y. What if y has a value <1?

Is there a second equation with both x and y?

Please repost with more data.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Let's go through each equation step by step:

1) x + 7y = 14
To check if x = 2 is a solution to this equation, we substitute x = 2 into the equation and see if it holds true:

2 + 7y = 14
7y = 14 - 2
7y = 12
y = 12/7

Therefore, when x = 2, y = 12/7 is the solution to the equation x + 7y = 14.

2) 7x > 56
To solve this inequality, we need to isolate x on one side of the inequality sign. Let's divide both sides by 7:

(7x)/7 > 56/7
x > 8

So, the inequality 7x > 56 is correct and can be simplified to x > 8.

However, in the second equation you provided "7x > 8", it seems like you made a typing mistake. Nonetheless, the correct solution is x > 8.