Area of a Triangle. The area in square meters of a triangle is given by A(x)=x^2+5x+6

a)Find A(5)

b)If the length of the triangle is x+3 then what is the base of the triangle?


compute that.

Now, Area is also equal to 1/2 base*length
but when x=5, length is 8, and area is as above.
Area=1/2 (8)*base
solve for base.

Can you let me know if I went wrong here


To find the area of a triangle, you need the length of the base and the height. However, in the equation you provided, A(x) = x^2 + 5x + 6, only the variable x is present, and there is no information about the height or the base. Hence, it seems that the given equation does not represent the area of a triangle.

Could you provide any additional information about the triangle? Such as the measurements of the base and height, or any other relevant details?