how can I tell which star is moving faster? 191nm or 192.5 just by looking at them?

I think 191nm correct if I am wrong because its wavelength is shorter thus faster!

What is being measured? Those numbers are too large to be doppler wavelength shifts of stars. Besides, dopper shifts measure speed in one direction only (the line of sight).

Stars do not have single wavelengths. That may have a number of shifted spectral lines (emission or absorption).

What’s the number for star 102.5 buffalo ny

To determine which star is moving faster just by looking at them, you cannot solely rely on the wavelength of the stars. The wavelength of light is not directly related to the speed of a star; rather, it is an indicator of the color or type of light being emitted.

To determine their relative speeds, you would need to measure their apparent motion in the sky over a specific period of time. This can be done by observing the stars on consecutive nights and noting their positions relative to the background stars. By comparing the amount of distance each star covers over the same time period, you can determine which star is moving faster.

In astronomy, the motion of stars is typically measured using units like parsecs (pc) or kilometers per second (km/s). "nm" represents nanometers, which is a unit of wavelength, not commonly used to measure the motion of celestial objects.

Therefore, without making observations and comparing their apparent motions, it is not possible to determine which star is moving faster just by looking at them.