when would self-control is a good thing?

What does self control mean to you?

Have you ever practiced self control?

Was that a good thing?

We'll be glad to comment on your answers.


when is it bad cause I don't think I experience it.

Self control would be bad when you want to tell an obnoxious person to go away -- but don't.

Self-control is a good thing in various situations, as it helps individuals make better choices, overcome harmful impulses, and achieve long-term goals. Here are a few examples:

1. Health and fitness: Self-control can be beneficial when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It allows you to resist unhealthy food cravings, stick to an exercise routine, and avoid harmful habits like smoking or excessive drinking.

2. Financial decisions: Practicing self-control can help individuals make wise financial choices. It enables you to control impulsive spending, save money for the future, and avoid unnecessary debt.

3. Academic or professional success: Self-control is crucial for achieving academic or professional goals. It helps individuals manage their time effectively, prioritize tasks, avoid procrastination, and stay focused on important assignments or projects.

4. Managing emotions: Self-control is valuable in emotional situations. It allows individuals to handle stress, anger, or frustration in a constructive manner, without reacting impulsively or irrationally.

5. Building positive relationships: Self-control plays a significant role in maintaining healthy relationships. It helps individuals remain calm, listen attentively, and respond thoughtfully, even in challenging interactions.

To develop self-control, individuals can employ strategies such as setting clear goals, creating routines, practicing mindfulness or meditation, identifying triggers, and rewarding themselves for practicing self-discipline. It's a skill that can be cultivated with practice and patience.