Is a nickel 6 grams or 6 kilograms? A watch 25 g or 25 kg? a dog 22 g or 22 kg? A backpack 4 g or 4 kg? A pencil 6 g or 6 kg? radio 2 g or 2 kg?



Ok. A gram is something you use to weigh little things like nickels and pencils. Kilograms you use to weigh big things like back packs and radios! ;)

The students above are correct.

To determine the weight of each item, we need to know whether the metric unit used is grams (g) or kilograms (kg). Generally, grams are used for smaller objects, while kilograms are used for larger objects.

For the items you listed:

1. Nickel: A nickel is typically 5 grams (g), not 6 grams or 6 kilograms. The weight of coins may vary slightly depending on wear and tear.
2. Watch: The weight of a watch can vary, but it is usually measured in grams (g). A watch weighing 25 g is considered lightweight.
3. Dog: Dogs are typically weighed in kilograms (kg) as they are larger animals. A dog weighing 22 g is unusually small, while 22 kg is a more plausible weight for a dog.
4. Backpack: Backpacks are usually measured in kilograms (kg) as well. A backpack weighing 4 g would be extremely light, while 4 kg is a more reasonable weight for a backpack.
5. Pencil: A pencil is a lightweight object, so it would be measured in grams (g). The weight of a pencil is typically around 6 grams (g), not 6 kilograms.
6. Radio: Radios fall into the category of larger objects, so their weight is usually expressed in kilograms (kg). A radio weighing 2 g would be extremely small, while 2 kg is a more likely weight for a radio.

Remember, it's important to double-check the actual measurements or refer to the specific item's information to ensure accuracy.