what paper do you call that sounds like ten gram and it is in a shape of a square



If you're asking about a tangram, check this site.


fin the big word

The paper you may be referring to is called a "tissue paper." Tissue paper is a lightweight, disposable paper that is often used for purposes such as cleaning, drying hands, or wrapping delicate items. Its texture is thin and soft, and it usually comes in a square shape. Tissue paper is commonly found in boxes or packs, and it is easily recognizable by its crinkly sound when touched or moved.

If you encounter a similar question in the future and are unsure of the answer, you can use a search engine like Google to quickly find information about specific types of paper or any other topic you are interested in. Simply type in keywords such as "paper that sounds like ten gram in a square shape" or a more specific description to get relevant results and learn more about it.