in the act 4,what do the following lines means?Fairy King,attend,and mark: I do hear the morning lark.

Just which work is this from? Please remember when you post, the person reading it may have never seen your earlier posts, if there were some.


It means, Oberon, pay attention, morning approaches, I hear the morning lark (a bird). Midsummer Nights Dream.

In order to understand the meaning of the lines you mentioned, it is important to provide a bit of context. These lines are from the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare. In Act 4, Scene 1, Titania, the fairy queen, and Bottom, a human who has been transformed into an , are in the woods. Titania has fallen in love with Bottom due to a spell.

Now, let's break down the lines you're asking about:

"Fairy King, attend, and mark"
In this line, Titania is calling upon Oberon, the fairy king, asking him to pay attention and take note of something.

"I do hear the morning lark"
Here, Titania is indicating that she hears the song of the morning lark. The morning lark is a symbolic representation of the beginning of dawn.

These lines convey Titania's awareness of the dawn and her recognition that it is time for her magical enchantment to end. The reference to the morning lark is significant because it signifies the arrival of a new day, bringing a fresh start and the conclusion of the enchantment that caused her to fall in love with Bottom.