I've been brainstorming about the idea that Guru gave about the novel and here's what I have of the summary so far. I can't think of an ending for it though like a conclusion or even how she finds out that it's the crow. help please!

Credits to GuruBlue from Jiskha
Summary: There’s this girl named Valerie and she’s usually good but now sometimes in her head she hears voices telling her to do things that she normally wouldn’t do; things that are wrong. For example in school her teacher failed her in one class so this voice that she knows isn’t her own keeps telling her to go to the teacher and shout at her, or tell her off for failing her. For a while Valerie can control this but soon it starts getting out of hand. Nina, her best friend at school, starts noticing this behavior and tries to talk to her about it. This just makes Valerie angrier and she looses all the self control she had been holding and starts yelling at Nina and giving violent threats. Basically she is venting all her irritation and frustration out at her friend.
The next day Valerie notices that Nina doesn’t even look towards her and she obviously spread the news because everyone in school starts avoiding Valerie, even in the halls. When Valerie goes home, she sits in her room aggravated. She doesn’t know why this is happening: she always got A’s in all her classes, she was always pleasant to everyone, she had many friends, and she seldom got angry. As she gazes out the window she notices a black crow and recognizes it. Every time there is a voice in her head, she sees this crow somewhere. She decides that it must be a mere coincidence and lets it go.
[How can Valerie find out that it is the crow doing this, why he is doing this, and how she can stop it? Thanks!] -MC

To come up with an ending for your novel, you can consider the following steps:

1. Establish a turning point: Introduce a moment where Valerie starts to suspect that the crow might be connected to the voices in her head. This moment could be triggered by a significant event or interaction.

2. Investigate the connection: Have Valerie start researching the symbolism and mythology surrounding crows or any other clues that could shed light on the situation. This could involve library research, online searches, or speaking with someone knowledgeable about crows and their significance.

3. Introduce a helpful character: Introduce a character who has knowledge or expertise in crows or the supernatural world. This character could be a mentor, an expert, or even someone with personal experience in dealing with similar situations. They can guide Valerie in her search for answers and provide insights into the crow's motivations.

4. Uncover the truth: Through her investigations and guidance from the helpful character, Valerie gradually uncovers the truth. She discovers that the crow is not a mere coincidence but a supernatural entity or symbol representing a specific force or purpose. The crow may be connected to a past event or have a personal agenda related to Valerie.

5. Confrontation and resolution: Valerie confronts the crow, either through a physical encounter or a symbolic confrontation. During this confrontation, she learns why the crow has targeted her specifically and how she can stop it. The resolution could involve Valerie finding a way to weaken or control the crow's influence, or she may need to seek help from others with supernatural abilities.

Remember, as the author, you have the creative freedom to shape the story and determine how the plot unfolds. Feel free to modify and adapt these steps to fit the overall tone and themes of your novel.