{5-8(2-4)}={5-8(2-4)}=5-16-32 I need help I do not know how to work this problem.

I think there might be a typo?

Translate to an alegbraic expression

Twice d
my answer is d+2 is this correct.

can someone answer this problem

Twice d = 2d



I do not know what to do next could you please help me


5 - 16 + 32 = ?

Note the signs.

Please study this site carefully to help clear up your confusion about arithmetic involving positive and negative numbers.

Also note the correct spelling of ALGEBRA.

but what is the answer for this problem

bracket5-8(2-4)bracket then what the answer.

I almost solved it for you. Just do the elementary arithmetic.

5 - 16 + 32 = ?

To solve this problem, you'll need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction):

First, let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses (2-4):
2 - 4 = -2

Now, let's replace the expression inside the parentheses with the simplified value:
5 - 8(-2)

Next, we need to perform the multiplication:
-2 multiplied by 8 equals -16

Now, we replace the multiplication with the result:
5 - (-16)

The two negatives in front of the 16 cancel each other out, and we can rewrite it as addition:
5 + 16

Finally, we add the numbers together:
5 + 16 = 21

So, the simplified expression is 21.

To summarize, here are the steps:
1. Simplify the expressions inside the parentheses.
2. Perform any multiplication or division from left to right.
3. Convert any subtraction with two adjacent negative signs into addition.
4. Add or subtract from left to right.

Remember to always follow the order of operations to get the correct answer!