Translate to an algebraic expression

Twice d
d+2 is the right.

-(y+48)= -y+48 is this right

1. Twice d would be d + d

d + d = 2d

2. -(y+48)= -1(y+48)
= -1(y) + (-1)(48)
= -y + (-48)
= -y -48

To translate "Twice d" into an algebraic expression, you can simply multiply the variable "d" by 2. The algebraic expression would be: 2d.

For the second question, the expression "-(y+48)" can be simplified. Distribute the negative sign to both terms inside the parentheses:
-(y + 48) = -y - 48. So, the correct simplification is: -y - 48, not -y + 48.