diagram the suject pronoun, action verb or verb phrase, and direct ovject (pronoun) in the sentence.

1. pastors do god's work.
2. god has created all things.



To diagram the subject pronoun, action verb or verb phrase, and direct object pronoun in the given sentences, we first need to understand the parts of speech involved:

1. Sentence: Pastors do God's work.
- Subject Pronoun: The subject of the sentence is "pastors", which is a plural noun referring to multiple pastors.
- Action Verb: The action verb is "do", which indicates the action being performed by the subject.
- Verb Phrase: "Do God's work" is the verb phrase, where "do" is the main verb, and "God's work" is the object of the action.
- Direct Object Pronoun: The direct object pronoun in this sentence is not applicable as there is no pronoun serving as the direct object.

Diagram for sentence 1:

Do ----> God's work

2. Sentence: God has created all things.
- Subject Pronoun: The subject of the sentence is "God", which is a singular noun referring to the deity.
- Action Verb: The action verb is "has created", indicating that God performed the action of creation.
- Verb Phrase: "Has created" is the verb phrase, where "has" is the helping verb and "created" is the main verb.
- Direct Object Pronoun: The direct object pronoun in this sentence is not applicable as there is no pronoun serving as the direct object.

Diagram for sentence 2:

Has created------> all things

Please note that in these diagrams, the arrows indicate the flow of action from the subject to the verb and then to the object (if applicable).