x>1 y<-2 solve and graph

are you graphing on the x-y plane?

draw a dotted vertical line at x=1 and shade in the region to the right of that.

draw a dotted horizontal line at y = -2 and shade in the region below that line.

Here is what you did not state:
is it
x>1 AND y<-2 or is it
x>1 OR y<-2 ?

If you want AND it would be the overlapping shaded region

If you want OR it would be entire shaded region covered by either part.

You would draw a dot going over 1 on the x-axis and go down 2 on the y-axis. Make a dotted line then put 0,0 in fo y and x. If it's true shade over the part where (0,0) is located, if it's false shade on the opposite side.

To solve and graph the inequality x > 1 and y < -2, we'll break it down into two separate inequalities and graph them individually.

1. x > 1:
To solve this inequality, we want to find all the values for x that are greater than 1. We can represent this on a number line.
Draw a number line and mark the point 1 on it. Since the inequality is x > 1, we need to shade the region to the right of 1 on the number line to indicate all values that are greater than 1.

2. y < -2:
To solve this inequality, we want to find all the values for y that are less than -2. We can also represent this on a number line.
Draw a number line and mark the point -2 on it. Since the inequality is y < -2, we need to shade the region to the left of -2 on the number line to indicate all values that are less than -2.

Now, to graph both inequalities on the same coordinate plane, we can draw a two-dimensional graph where the x-axis represents the values for x and the y-axis represents the values for y.

1. Graphing x > 1:
On the x-axis, locate the point 1 and shade the region to the right of it. You can use an arrow pointing towards the right to indicate that all values greater than 1 are included in the solution set.

2. Graphing y < -2:
On the y-axis, locate the point -2 and shade the region to the left of it. You can use an arrow pointing towards the left to indicate that all values less than -2 are included in the solution set.

The shaded regions from both inequalities on the graph represent the values that satisfy both conditions x > 1 and y < -2. The overlapping region on the graph is the solution set for this system of inequalities.