Does anyone know a quick short really good summary of the story of Macbeth? Its for my theatre programme I'm doing. I also do a short bit about all 5 acts and the descriptions I've looked at on the internet are too long. Does anyone know a short quick way to describe 5 Acts still leaving some twists to the story of Macbeth?

it would be good if the descriptions of th 5 Acts were 3, 4 or 5 ssentences to make the play sound interesting

I assumed you've tried Sparknotes and other such sites. Those are the shortest summaries I know of. You'll probably need to make your own summaries of these summaries.

You kill someone and overreact and start killing a lot of people you fear, you get really delusionaly paranoid, and your wife imagines blood that wont wash off her hands,she kils herself, you go crazy, start seeing ghosts, so you kill the family of the ghost, who finally cuts off your head.

You could add three witches doing some weird chants on the side.

Good site for overviews.

Certainly! I can provide you with a brief summary of the story of Macbeth, as well as a concise description of each of the five acts, while still preserving some of the story's twists.

Summary of Macbeth:
Macbeth is a tragic play written by William Shakespeare that tells the story of a Scottish nobleman named Macbeth. Consumed by ambition and influenced by supernatural forces, Macbeth becomes obsessed with the idea of becoming king. Encouraged by his wife, Lady Macbeth, he commits a series of heinous crimes, including regicide, to secure his power. However, guilt and paranoia begin to plague him, leading to his downfall and a bloody end.

Description of the five acts:

Act 1:
- The play opens with three witches who prophesy Macbeth's rise to power.
- Macbeth and Banquo, his loyal friend, encounter the witches and the prophecies begin to influence Macbeth's thoughts.
- Lady Macbeth receives news of the prophecies and convinces Macbeth to murder King Duncan to fulfill them.

Act 2:
- Macbeth, swayed by his wife's persuasion, kills King Duncan in his sleep.
- Macbeth is wracked with guilt, but his ambition drives him to take the throne.
- Malcolm and Donalbain, Duncan's sons, flee Scotland out of fear for their lives.

Act 3:
- Macbeth solidifies his power as king but becomes increasingly suspicious of those around him.
- Macbeth hires murderers to kill Banquo and his son, Fleance, fearing they may disrupt his reign.
- Banquo is murdered, but Fleance escapes.

Act 4:
- Macbeth returns to the witches seeking more prophecies.
- The witches conjure a series of apparitions that caution Macbeth against Macduff.
- Macbeth orders the murder of Macduff's family in retaliation.

Act 5:
- Lady Macbeth is consumed by guilt and descends into madness.
- Macduff joins Malcolm in leading an army against Macbeth.
- Macbeth receives news that his wife has died.
- Ultimately, Macduff confronts and kills Macbeth, fulfilling the prophecies and restoring order to Scotland.

Remember, this is just a brief overview, and if you require more nuanced details, it's recommended to refer to the original play text.