how to simplify these expressions using positives exponents to express the final result




I'm not sure what you are asking. When communicating online, A to the zero power is indicated as A^0. However, any number to the zero power = 1.

Please repost your questions in clearer terms. Thanks for asking.

To simplify expressions using positive exponents, you need to understand some basic rules:

1. For subtraction, you can rewrite it as addition with a negative exponent. For example, 6 - 3 can be expressed as 6 + (-3).

2. For multiplication, you can write it using the multiplication symbol (*) and apply the exponent rule. For example, 5 * O can be written as 5 * O^1.

3. For negative exponents, you can rewrite them as positive exponents by taking the reciprocal of the base. For example, (2x)^-1 can be expressed as 1 / (2x)^1.

Now, let's simplify the expressions you provided:

1. 6 - 3:
Rewrite it as 6 + (-3) to convert subtraction to addition with a negative exponent. The final result is 6 + (-3) = 6 - 3.

2. 5XO:
Insert the multiplication symbol (*) and apply the exponent rule to express it using positive exponents. The final result is 5 * O^1.

3. (2x)^-1:
Apply the rule for negative exponents by taking the reciprocal of the base. The final result is 1 / (2x)^1.

Remember, simplifying expressions using positive exponents is about applying these rules and rearranging terms as needed.