does anyone know the meaning of this poem by wallace Stevens or what tone he uses in this poem.

thanks for any help

Study these two sites carefully, and then see what tone you think Stevens uses.

Here is the meaning of the poem

so which of these tones would it be:

detached, cynical, philosophical, playful, solemn, ironic, or passionate

To determine the meaning and tone of a poem, it is helpful to analyze it closely. In the case of a poem by Wallace Stevens, you can follow these steps to gain a deeper understanding:

1. Read the poem several times: Begin by reading the poem attentively to familiarize yourself with its language, structure, and imagery. The more you read it, the more you can grasp its overall meaning and tone.

2. Identify the key themes: Look for recurring ideas, symbols, or motifs throughout the poem. Note any patterns or contrasts that emerge.

3. Analyze the language: Consider the poem's language choices, such as specific words, metaphors, or similes used. Pay attention to the poem's sound, rhythm, and meter, as these can contribute to the overall tone.

4. Consider the speaker: Identify the speaker of the poem and their perspective. Determine if they are speaking in the first person ("I"), second person ("you"), or third person ("he/she"). Understanding the speaker's voice can provide insights into the tone and meaning.

5. Connect with personal experiences: Reflect on your own personal experiences, emotions, and interpretations that the poem may evoke. Poetry often resonates differently with individuals, so your interpretation will be unique.

To assist you further, please provide the specific poem by Wallace Stevens that you are referring to. With the poem's text, we can delve into its meaning and tone together.