Lord of the Flies: Chapter 4 Reading and Study Guide

I need helppp!!!

16. What does Raplh see in the distance?
17. What happened to the smoke on the mountain? How does Ralph react?
18. What does Jack return with?
19. What do the boys chant upon their return?
20. WHat happens to Piggy after he yells at jack for letting the fire go out?
21. Who gives Piggy his piece of meat?
22. What does Jack do in response to this?
23. What does Maurice pretend to be?
24. What does Raplh decide to do at the end of the chapter?

You'll find all of the answers in Chapter 4. I urge you to read it.

The whole point of posting these questions is so I can get help!!

I don't have a copy of the book.
Please Ms. Sue!! Help meee!!!

I'll be glad to help you. But I don't have a copy of the book either.

You might try SparkNotes.

Note we don't do homework, but will try to steer you in the right direction.

Reading sparknotes is a good idea. I've always read sparknotes, but my teacher hated that :)

To answer all of these questions, you will need to read and study Chapter 4 of the book "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. However, I can provide you with some guidance and context to help you find the answers.

16. To find out what Ralph sees in the distance, you need to read Chapter 4 of the book. Look for descriptions or events that indicate Ralph's observation.

17. To understand what happened to the smoke on the mountain and how Ralph reacts, carefully read the relevant section in Chapter 4. Look for clues about the smoke and Ralph's emotional response to it.

18. To discover what Jack returns with, you should read the section where Jack's return is mentioned. Pay attention to any details or descriptions provided.

19. To know what the boys chant upon their return, look for the part in Chapter 4 where the chanting is mentioned. Read the dialogue or narration to find the specific words they chant.

20. To learn what happens to Piggy after he yells at Jack for letting the fire go out, read the section where this incident occurs. Pay attention to how other characters, such as Jack, react to Piggy's outburst.

21. To find out who gives Piggy his piece of meat, read the section where this interaction takes place. Look for the character who offers the meat to Piggy.

22. To understand what Jack does in response to this, again, read the relevant section in Chapter 4. Pay attention to Jack's actions or any dialogue that may reveal his response.

23. To discover what Maurice pretends to be, look for the part in Chapter 4 where Maurice's actions are described. Pay attention to any clues about his pretending role.

24. To know what Ralph decides to do at the end of the chapter, carefully read the final section. Look for Ralph's thoughts or any decisions he makes.

Remember, I am here to provide guidance, but the actual answers to your questions are found in the book itself.