Draw and name a quadrilateral that is equalateral but not equal angular.

how can it be equalangular if its equalateral? I cant figure out what the angle measures are.

Check this site for various quadrilaterals, including some that are not equianglular.


ok thanks

To answer your question, let's first understand the properties of an equilateral quadrilateral. An equilateral quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon where all sides are equal in length. An equiangular quadrilateral, on the other hand, is a quadrilateral where all angles are equal in measure. It is important to note that an equilateral quadrilateral is always equiangular as well since all the sides and angles are equal.

Based on this understanding, it is not possible to have an equilateral quadrilateral with unequal angle measures. If all sides are equal in length, then all angles must also be equal.

Therefore, it is not possible to draw or name a quadrilateral that is both equilateral and not equal angular. If you were given a specific figure that is claimed to be an "equilateral but not equal angular" quadrilateral, it would be contradictory and not possible according to the properties of quadrilaterals.