Evaluate, where f(x)=(x-4)^2-1

when f(a-5)

How would i solve this?
This is what i got so far.
f(a-5)=[(a-5)-4]^2 -1
=(a-9)^2 -1

You are on the right track, now do the (a-9)(a-9) and subtract 1


then i don't know what to do.

Would it be;


To evaluate the expression f(a-5) in terms of a, you need to substitute the value of a-5 into the function f(x)=(x-4)^2-1. Here's how you can solve it:

1. Start with the function f(x)=(x-4)^2-1.
2. Replace x with a-5 in the function.
f(a-5) = ((a-5)-4)^2-1
3. Simplify the expression inside the parentheses.
f(a-5) = (a-9)^2-1

So, the expression f(a-5) can be simplified as (a-9)^2-1.