how do you graph a function?

example: h(x)=x-4

It is actually easier than it looks. h(x) or f(x) (which is more common) is the same thing as y.

Therefore, you graph it just like you would:

y = x - 4.

If you don't know how to graph that, then right another response back and I can explain. Hope I helped you a little! :-)

Call h(x) the y value and plot its value on the vertical axis.

For each x, compute the y value and plot it on the graph. Do this for two (x,y) points and draw a straight line between them, extending to the edges of the graph in both directions

hey penny i need help on how to graph it ....

To graph a function, like the example function h(x) = x - 4, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the range of values for x: Decide on a range of input values for x that you want to use to create the graph. For example, you may choose to use values from -10 to 10.

2. Compute the corresponding output values: Substitute the chosen values of x into the function to calculate the corresponding values for h(x). For example, if x = -10, then h(-10) = -10 - 4 = -14. Repeat this step for each chosen value of x to obtain a set of (x, h(x)) pairs.

3. Plot the points: On a graph, identify the x-axis and y-axis. Each point from step 2 represents an (x, h(x)) pair. Locate the value of x on the x-axis and the corresponding value of h(x) on the y-axis. Plot a point at this location for each pair.

4. Join the points: Once all the points are plotted, draw a smooth curve or line through the points to represent the function. In the case of h(x) = x - 4, you can draw a straight line since the function is linear.

5. Label the axes and add any additional information: Add labels to the x-axis and y-axis to indicate the variables being represented. In this case, label the x-axis as "x" and the y-axis as "h(x)". Optionally, you can also add a title to the graph.

By following these steps, you can graph the function h(x) = x - 4.