what does wee wee mean?

The French spelling is oui, and it means "yes."

When you hear that from a French person, it is oui oui that they are saying. It means, literally, yes, yes. The second "oui" is there for emphasis, as if they were saying "of course" or "naturally"

I am not fluent in French, but that is the impression I get when I hear "oui oui" in French movies

It's a bit like "yes, indeed!"

Sra (aka Mme)

"Wee wee" is a colloquial term that refers to urination, particularly used by children or when talking about the act of urinating in a playful or lighthearted manner. It is often associated with potty training or bathroom-related conversations.

If you are looking for a more detailed explanation, the term "wee wee" originates from the word "pee" or "urine" itself. It is a euphemistic way to refer to the bodily function of releasing urine from the bladder. The expression is commonly used in informal settings, such as conversations with close friends or family members.

Please note that the term "wee wee" is considered more suitable for casual or familiar conversations and may not be appropriate in formal or professional situations.