A map's key indicates that 3/4 of an inch represents 60 miles. How many miles does 2 1/4 inches represent?


3/4 / 60 = 2 1/4 / x

3/4x = 60(2 1/4)

.75x = 60 (2.25)

.75x/.75x = 135/.75

x = 18mi.

Is this correct?


answer is 180 mi.

Right! :-)

Thank You!

Yes, your solution is correct!

To find the value of x, which represents the number of miles represented by 2 1/4 inches on the map, you set up a proportion using the given information:

3/4 inch represents 60 miles

This can be written as:

3/4 / 60 = 2 1/4 / x

To solve for x, you cross-multiply:

(3/4) * x = (60) * (2 1/4)

Convert 2 1/4 to an improper fraction:

(3/4) * x = (60) * (9/4)


(3/4) * x = 540/4

Multiply both sides by 4/3 to isolate x:

x = (540/4) * (4/3)


x = 135

So, 2 1/4 inches on the map represents 135 miles.


How can 2 1/4 inches represent less than 3/4 inch?

Please try again -- watching your decimal places.