A total of tickets were sold for the school play. The number of student tickets sold was two times the number of adult tickets sold . How many adult tickets were sold?

You need to know how many total tickets were sold. The only thing you can do with this is s(adult tickets)+2s(student tickets)=t(total tickets)

oh, it didn't post the whole thing...

A total of 321 tickets were sold for the school play. The number of student tickets sold was two times the number of adult tickets sold. How many tickets were sold?

Joey, divide the total of 321 by 3. that's the number of adult tickets. double that answer and that's the number of student tickets.

Let's solve this problem step by step:

Step 1: Assign variables

Let's assign a variable to represent the number of adult tickets sold. We can call it "A".

Since the number of student tickets sold is two times the number of adult tickets sold, we can represent the number of student tickets sold as 2A.

Step 2: Write an equation

The total number of tickets sold is the sum of the number of adult tickets and the number of student tickets. In equation form, this can be written as:

A + 2A = total number of tickets

Simplifying the equation:

3A = total number of tickets

Step 3: Solve for A

To find the value of A (the number of adult tickets sold), divide both sides of the equation by 3:

A = total number of tickets / 3

So, to find the number of adult tickets sold, you need to know the total number of tickets sold and divide it by 3.