the product of 8 and a number is 56, What is 2 less than the number?

the number is 7, so 7-2=?

the answer is 5 amanda

yes, good job

To solve this problem, we need to find the value of the number first. Let's assume the number is represented by the variable 'x.'

We are given that the product of 8 and the number is 56. Mathematically, we can write this as:

8x = 56

To find the value of 'x,' we can divide both sides of the equation by 8:

(8x)/8 = 56/8
x = 7

Therefore, the value of the number is 7.

Now, to find 2 less than the number, we subtract 2 from the value we found for 'x':

7 - 2 = 5

Hence, 2 less than the number 7 is 5.