
Add 21.8 to both sides of the equation.


32.1 + 21.8 doesn't equal 24.8

Please try again.



a = 51.9

Let's prove it by substituting 51.9 for a in your original equation.


32.1 = 53.9 - 21.8

Yep. You're right! :-)

To solve the equation 32.1 = a - 21.8, you need to isolate the variable "a" on one side of the equation.

First, you can start by adding 21.8 to both sides of the equation to eliminate the constant term (-21.8) on the right side:

32.1 + 21.8 = a - 21.8 + 21.8

This simplifies to:

53.9 = a

So, the value of "a" that satisfies the equation is 53.9.