how do you spell calculator in spanish?



As usual, with Spanish vocabulary, you need to know the context, or exactly HOW that word is used.

calculator o calculating machine = la calculadora = máquina de calcular = problemas matemáticos

calculator = el calculador (aparato o máquina)

el aritmómetro (requires accent mark) = Instrumento que sirve para ejecutar mecánicamente las operaciones aritméticas.

These 3 words are from el diccionario de la Real Académico Española


To find the spelling of "calculator" in Spanish, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the word "calculator" in English.
2. Use an English-Spanish dictionary or an online translation tool.
3. Enter the word "calculator" into the translation tool.
4. The translation given will be "calculadora," which is the correct spelling of "calculator" in Spanish.

Therefore, the correct spelling of "calculator" in Spanish is "calculadora".