1,000,000+245-4564+3984068568+45-21x75.5675x500,000 :]


cant you just use a calculator

To calculate the expression: 1,000,000 + 245 - 4564 + 3984068568 + 45 - 21x75.5675x500,000, let's break it down step by step:

1. Addition/Subtraction:
- Start by collecting the numbers that need to be added and subtracted: 1,000,000, 245, -4564, 3984068568, 45.
- Add the first two numbers: 1,000,000 + 245 = 1,000,245.
- Subtract the next number: 1,000,245 - 4564 = 996,681.
- Add the next number: 996,681 + 3,984,068,568 = 3,984,067,249.
- Add the last number: 3,984,067,249 + 45 = 3,984,067,294.

2. Multiplication:
- Use the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS) and perform the multiplication before further addition:
- Multiply the last three numbers: -21 x 75.5675 x 500,000 = -797,464,012.5.

3. Final answer:
- Add the result of the multiplication to the previous sum: 3,984,067,294 + (-797,464,012.5) = 3,186,603,281.5.

Therefore, the result of the expression 1,000,000 + 245 - 4564 + 3984068568 + 45 - 21x75.5675x500,000 is approximately 3,186,603,281.5.