what are some similarities between the stories Where are you going where have you been and the story Young Goodman Brown...as in similiar character or reoccuring themes? thank you so much :)

The devil is at work in both stories.



To identify similarities between the stories "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" by Joyce Carol Oates and "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne, we can analyze the characters and recurring themes in both stories. Here's how you can explore these aspects:

1. Read both stories: Start by understanding the narratives and gaining familiarity with the characters and themes.

2. Character analysis: Pay attention to the main characters and their characteristics, motivations, and conflicts.

- Connie in "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" is a young girl who desires independence but is also vulnerable. She experiences a confrontation with an older man, Arnold Friend, who represents a threat to her safety.

- Young Goodman Brown in "Young Goodman Brown" is a religious and morally oriented man who embarks on a journey that tests his faith. He encounters various characters who challenge his beliefs and lead to his internal struggle.

3. Identify recurring themes:

- Good vs. Evil: Both stories delve into the struggle between good and evil. In "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" Arnold Friend represents evil, while Connie symbolizes the battle between innocence and corruptibility. In "Young Goodman Brown," the characters Goodman Brown meets in the woods represent the duality of human nature and the conflict between good and evil.

- Loss of Innocence: Another shared theme is the loss of innocence. In "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?", Connie experiences the loss of her innocence, identity, and childhood through her encounter with Arnold Friend. "Young Goodman Brown" also explores the loss of innocence as the protagonist's perception of the world is shattered during his journey.

4. Compare and contrast: Now you can compare the characters and themes in both stories, noting their similarities:

- Both stories involve a main character who is challenged by an external force that leads to a confrontation and a potential loss of innocence.

- The theme of morality plays a significant role in both stories, as characters face choices that test their beliefs and values.

- Both stories explore the vulnerability of their young protagonists and the dangers of succumbing to temptation.

By examining the characters and themes in "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" and "Young Goodman Brown," you can identify these similarities and delve deeper into the exploration of the stories.