i need help with this

Colonial American society was organized according to a belief in
a. a stron middle class
b. a classless society
c. equality of opportunity
d. inequality


I think the answer is C

I agree with C.

To answer this question, we need to understand the organization and beliefs of Colonial American society. One way to find the answer is by studying historical documents, textbooks, or reference materials about Colonial America.

You can start by searching for resources on Colonial American society and beliefs. Online databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or academic library websites can provide you with credible sources. Websites of reputable history museums or educational institutions can also be helpful.

Once you have identified a reliable source, look for information on the organization of society in Colonial America. Pay attention to how social classes were structured, whether there was a strong middle class, if the society aimed for equality or had various levels of inequality.

Based on the information you gather, you can then determine which belief best aligns with the organization of Colonial American society. Here is a breakdown of the options:

a. A strong middle class: This suggests that there was a considerable middle class, which typically includes merchants, artisans, and other individuals who were not part of the upper or lower classes.

b. A classless society: This implies that there were no clear social classes or significant distinctions between individuals in terms of wealth and status.

c. Equality of opportunity: This indicates that society provided equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their social background or economic circumstances.

d. Inequality: This suggests that there were clear divisions and disparities in Colonial American society, with certain groups or individuals holding considerable power, wealth, and privilege.

By comparing the options with the information you gather, you can determine the belief that best describes how Colonial American society was organized. Remember to critically evaluate your sources and cross-reference information for accuracy and reliability.