Alan built an additional room onto his house. the length of the room is 3 times the width. the perimeter of he room is 60 feet. What is the length of the room?

a 7.5 feet
b 22.5 feet

sorry the all options are:

a 7.5 feet
b 22.5 feet
c 15 feet
d 45 feet....
plz explain how to do also. plz . thanks

Perimeter is 2L + 2W


I assume you can take if from here.

sorry but i don't get it. can u help? :(

solve for Width in that last equation, then multiply it by 3 to get the length.

In order to find the length of the room, we first need to solve for the width.

Let's assume the width of the room is "w" feet. According to the problem, the length of the room is 3 times the width, so the length would be 3w feet.

The perimeter of a rectangle is calculated by adding up all the sides. In this case, the perimeter is given as 60 feet. For a rectangle, the formula for perimeter is: 2(length) + 2(width).

Using this formula, we can set up the equation as follows:
2(3w) + 2(w) = 60

Now let's simplify the equation and solve for w:
6w + 2w = 60
8w = 60
w = 60/8
w = 7.5

Therefore, the width of the room is 7.5 feet. Since the length is 3 times the width, the length would be 3 * 7.5 = 22.5 feet.

So the length of the room is 22.5 feet.

Therefore, the answer is (b) 22.5 feet.