Write the correct form of ser.

Tu y tus padres________________de Puerto Rico?

Which is the correct form?

'son' or 'sois'

and why?

Muchas Gracias

This would depend upon whether you are using usted/ustedes = son OR vosotros = sois.

Many textbooks do not even teach the vosotros/vosotras (familiar plural) form. Without knowing which textbook you have, or what your class is learning, I can not guess which is best for you1


To add to Sra's answer, much of this depends on where the language is spoken. There are not many areas that use the Vosotros form.

The way I learned in high school is to use the vosotros form there. This is because the "tu" is informal. When I got to college, my professors wanted me to use more the Ustedes form to designate any plural "you." They didn't mind that I used vosotros, but you could tell they preferred the Uds.

He's alive! Is he well? We've missed you here, Matt. Hope all is fine.


The correct form of "ser" in the sentence "Tu y tus padres _______ de Puerto Rico?" depends on the subject pronoun being used.

In this case, the subject pronoun "tu y tus padres" indicates that you are referring to more than one person, which corresponds to the second-person plural pronoun "vosotros" in Spanish.

The correct form of "ser" for "vosotros" in the present tense is "sois." Therefore, the correct form of the sentence is "Tu y tus padres sois de Puerto Rico?"

To determine the correct form of "ser," you need to consider the subject pronoun and its corresponding verb form. In this case, "vosotros" requires the verb "ser" to be conjugated as "sois."