
how do i do this?

if you mean base 10 log

10^log(x/.1) = 10^.14
x/.1 = 1.38

i see, thank you!

To solve the equation log(X/0.1) = 0.14, you need to eliminate the logarithm using exponential properties. Here's a step-by-step guide to solve it:

Step 1: Rewrite the equation using exponential notation:
X/0.1 = 10^0.14

Step 2: Simplify the right side of the equation:
X/0.1 = 1.414213

Step 3: Multiply both sides of the equation by 0.1 to isolate X:
X = 1.414213 * 0.1

Step 4: Calculate the right side of the equation:
X = 0.1414213

So, the value of X that satisfies the equation log(X/0.1) = 0.14 is approximately 0.1414213.

To solve the equation log(X/0.1) = 0.14, we need to isolate X. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to solve the equation:

Step 1: Start with the equation log(X/0.1) = 0.14.

Step 2: To remove the logarithm, we need to rewrite the equation in exponential form. The logarithmic equation log(base a)(x) = y is equivalent to the exponential equation a^y = x.

In this case, since the base of the logarithm is not explicitly given, we assume it is base 10. Therefore, we can rewrite the equation as 10^(0.14) = X/0.1.

Step 3: Simplify the exponential expression. 10^0.14 is approximately equal to 1.424.

So, the simplified equation is 1.424 = X/0.1.

Step 4: To solve for X, we multiply both sides of the equation by 0.1 (to get rid of the fraction).

0.1 * 1.424 = X

X ≈ 0.1424

Hence, the value of X, which solves the equation log(X/0.1) = 0.14, is approximately 0.1424.