Write a 200- to 300-word summary about the two historical figures and the process of

mantle convection and plate movement

My question is what ar the two historical figures.

The phrasing "the two historical figures" leads me to believe that there's a paragraph or more (or at least a sentence) in your text or in your assignment itself that tells what historical figures are being referred to.

Can you supply more information for us?

Respond to the following scenario:

o Your younger brother is in 5th grade. He comes home and tells you to look at an
animation his teacher showed him in geology class.
o Review the Continents of the Past animation on this week’s aXcess page.
o After viewing the animation, your brother has a look of disbelief on his face, “C’mon,
really? Our whole continent moves? That’s bogus!” Instead of blowing him off like you
usually do, you decide to sit down and educate him about plate tectonics. First, you
give him an overview about two historical figures that contributed to the plate tectonic
theory. Then, you decide to show him how the plates move by boiling a pot of water
(shown on p. 108) and relating it to mantle convection and plate movement.
· Write a 200- to 300-word summary about the two historical figures and the process of
mantle convection and plate movement.

In a couple of Google searches, several names keep coming up: Harry Hess and Xavier Le Pichon and others.

As with all Wikipedia search results, be sure to check out all the external links and further references at the bottom of each Wikipedia page.


To answer your question about the two historical figures, I need some additional information or clarification. Could you please provide more details or context about the historical figures you are referring to? Once I have that information, I'll be able to provide a detailed summary about them and their connection to mantle convection and plate movement.

In the meantime, let me explain the process of mantle convection and plate movement, which is a fundamental aspect of Earth's geology. The Earth's lithosphere is divided into several large and small tectonic plates that float on the semi-fluid layer of the Earth's upper mantle called the asthenosphere. These plates are constantly in motion due to the process of mantle convection.

Mantle convection occurs because of the heat generated by the Earth's core. This heat causes the rock in the asthenosphere to slowly rise towards the surface, creating upwellings. As the hot rock reaches the top of the mantle, it begins to cool and moves horizontally, creating horizontal flows known as convection currents. These convection currents drive the movement of tectonic plates.

There are three main types of plate boundaries: divergent, convergent, and transform. At divergent boundaries, plates move away from each other, and new crust is formed as magma rises to fill the gap. Convergent boundaries occur when two plates collide, causing one plate to subduct beneath the other, forming deep-sea trenches and volcanic activity. Transform boundaries are characterized by plates sliding past each other horizontally, resulting in intense seismic activity.

Understanding the process of mantle convection and plate movement is crucial as it plays a significant role in shaping the Earth's surface, causing earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the formation of mountains and oceanic trenches. It also helps us understand the distribution of landmasses, the movement of continents, and oceanic currents.

Once you provide more information about the historical figures you are referring to, I'll be able to include their relevance in the summary.