A: Hi! I have a referral from my

doctor to see the nutritionist.
B: Well, you're talking to the right
person. What can I do for you?
A: I need to know if I'm eating right.
B: Please take these forms home and
fill out them every day.

(Wich one is incorrect? Would you check the dialogue above?)

All are correct, except the last part of the last sentence reads strangely. You wouldn't fill out the same forms over and over, every day, would you?

Try this: "Please take these forms home, fill them out, and bring them back tomorrow."

Give me example of dialoge

Based on the given dialogue, both parts of the conversation seem correct. Person A mentions having a referral from their doctor to see a nutritionist, and Person B, appearing to be a nutritionist, offers assistance. Additionally, Person B provides instructions for Person A to take forms home and fill them out each day.