How can a certain narrative show originality?

I have to write an essay about how the story we read in class narrative shows originality...

What makes that narrative different from other narratives?

Is it the characterizations? the setting? the author's choice of words? the surprise ending?

To demonstrate that a narrative shows originality in your essay, you can consider several elements. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Familiarize yourself with the narrative: Start by thoroughly reading and analyzing the narrative you have been assigned. Understand the plot, characters, setting, themes, and overall message of the story.

2. Research common narrative patterns: Learn about commonly used narrative structures, story arcs, and character archetypes. This knowledge will help you identify whether the narrative you are examining follows or deviates from these typical patterns.

3. Identify unique storytelling techniques: Look for distinctive elements in the narrative that differentiate it from others. These could include unconventional plot developments, non-linear storytelling, innovative use of language or structure, or surprising character choices.

4. Examine the themes and messages: Analyze the underlying themes and messages conveyed in the narrative. Originality can be found in thought-provoking themes or in the exploration of topics that are not commonly addressed in other narratives.

5. Compare with other narratives: Compare the story you are analyzing to similar narratives within its genre or time period. Consider whether the narrative takes a fresh approach, introduces unique twists, or challenges common conventions.

6. Evaluate the impact on the reader: Consider the emotional, intellectual, or imaginative impact the narrative has on the reader. Originality can often be found in how a story resonates with its audience, introduces new perspectives, or challenges readers' preconceived notions.

7. Use specific evidence: Supporting your analysis with specific examples and quotes from the narrative will strengthen your argument. Highlight instances where the narrative deviates from established norms or presents fresh ideas, stylistic choices, or characterizations.

8. Construct a well-organized essay: Structure your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that present different aspects of the narrative's originality, and a logical conclusion that summarizes your findings.

Remember, originality can be subjective, so it's important to provide convincing arguments and evidence to support your claims.