are these names correct? i'm not sure if i did the anion/cation right..

***numbers are subscripts

1. Rb[AgF4]=
Rubidium tetrafluoroargentate

2. [Ir(CO)Cl(PPh3)2]

3. [Co(en)2CO3]Cl=
bisethylenediamine tricarbonyl cobalt (I) chloride

4. Cr(H20)3Br3=
triaqua chromium (III) tribromide

5. [Co(en)2(NH3)Cl]Cl2=
ammine chloro bisethylenediamine cobalt (III) chloride

6. Pt(NH3)2Cl2=
diammine dichloro plantium(II)

diaqua dichloro nickel disodium

thank you!!!

I think on 1 that you should add the stock notation (I) for argentate and add the word ion. (Rb is +1, Ag+1 and F-4 so the ion is -2.

For #3, I wonder if you have it typed correctly. If we name as is, then CO is carbonyl. CO3 is carbonate (named as carbonato). The ethylenediamine name should be enclosed in parentheses as in bis(ethylenediamine). If we make Co +2 and CO3 is -2 and Cl is -1, that would make the charge on the ion -1 if I didn't goof. So you need to make that Cobaltate(II) and add the word ion

2. I don't know what Ph stands for (perhaps phenyl) and what is the (PPh)3 unit.

4. You have named this as a compound but it carries a charge of -2 making it an anion. If that is correct, you need to name it has an anion meaning as a chromate(I). (Check that. If Cr; is +1 and Br is -3, that would leave -2 for the charge).

All of the anions must end in the metal + ate + (?) such as cuprate(II), chromate(III), ferrate(II), etc. It appears to me that you have written all of them as anions. If so then #1 is the only one named correctly. I hope the notes above gives you some idea how to restructure the names.

It just occurred to me that you may have meant the = sign after each of the problems to indicate an equal sign; that is, the formula listed = ?? and the answer is to follow. That would make a lot more sense and and simplify names considerably. Please clarify if you don't have these figured out yet.

bis(en)Co(III)- μ-amido- μ-hydoxobis(en)Co(II)ion

To determine if the names are correct, we can break down each compound and identify the cations and anions. Then, we can follow the IUPAC naming rules for inorganic compounds to verify the names.

1. Rb[AgF4]
- The cation is Rb+ (rubidium ion).
- The anion is [AgF4]- (tetrafluoroargentate ion).
- The name "Rubidium tetrafluoroargentate" is correct.

2. [Ir(CO)Cl(PPh3)2]
- The compound consists of complex ions.
- The cation is the complex ion, [Ir(CO)Cl(PPh3)2]+.
- The anion is not provided in the given information.
- Naming complex ions requires a slightly different approach, so we cannot determine the complete name without the anion.

3. [Co(en)2CO3]Cl
- The compound consists of complex ions.
- The cation is the complex ion, [Co(en)2CO3]2+ (bisethylenediamine tricarbonyl cobalt (I) ion).
- The anion is Cl- (chloride ion).
- The name "bisethylenediamine tricarbonyl cobalt (I) chloride" is correct.

4. Cr(H2O)3Br3
- The cation is Cr(H2O)3(3+) (triaqua chromium (III) ion).
- The anion is Br- (bromide ion).
- The name "triaqua chromium (III) tribromide" is correct.

5. [Co(en)2(NH3)Cl]Cl2
- The compound consists of complex ions.
- The cation is the complex ion, [Co(en)2(NH3)Cl]+ (ammine chloro bisethylenediamine cobalt (III) ion).
- The anion is Cl- (chloride ion).
- The name "ammine chloro bisethylenediamine cobalt (III) chloride" is correct.

6. Pt(NH3)2Cl2
- The cation is Pt(NH3)2(2+) (diammine dichloro platinum (II) ion).
- There is no anion mentioned in the given information.
- The name "diammine dichloro platinum (II)" is correct for the cation part, but the complete name cannot be determined without the anion.

7. Na2[NiCl2(H2O)2]
- The cation is Na+ (sodium ion).
- The anion is [NiCl2(H2O)2]2- (diaqua dichloro nickel disodium ion).
- The name "diaqua dichloro nickel disodium" is correct.

In conclusion, all the names you provided are correct except for #2 and #6, which require the anions to determine the complete name.