What kind of questions would be appropriate to ask a Mormon? Can anyone give me examples?


When engaging in discussions with Mormons, it's important to approach the conversation with respect and genuine curiosity. Here are some appropriate questions to ask a Mormon:

1. What are some core beliefs and principles of Mormonism?
To find specific core beliefs, you can visit official Mormon websites or consult their holy scriptures, such as the Book of Mormon.

2. How does Mormonism differ from other branches of Christianity?
This question provides an opportunity to understand the unique doctrines and practices within Mormonism, such as the belief in modern prophets and additional scriptures.

3. What is the role of family in Mormonism?
Mormons place a strong emphasis on family values, so this question allows for a discussion on their views of marriage, parenthood, and eternal relationships.

4. How do Mormons approach service and charity work?
Mormons emphasize the importance of serving others, both within their community and globally. Discussing their various service initiatives can shed light on their dedication to helping others.

5. How do Mormons view and interpret scripture?
This question can open a dialogue about the different scriptures Mormons study, like the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. It also provides an opportunity to understand their approach to interpreting religious texts.

Remember, it's always best to approach religious conversations with an open mind and a sincere desire to learn about others' beliefs.