How large was Alexander's empire at its height?

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Alexander the Great's empire at its height was a vast dominion that stretched across three continents. To determine the size of his empire, we need to understand the regions he conquered and their approximate areas. Alexander's empire consisted of territories in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

To calculate the size of Alexander's empire, we can start by identifying the major regions he conquered and estimate their areas.

1. Europe: Alexander's empire included parts of southeastern Europe, primarily incorporating Greece and Macedonia, his home region. For simplicity, let's estimate the area of Macedonia to be around 100,000 square kilometers.

2. Asia: The largest portion of Alexander's empire was in Asia, where he conquered Persia, Anatolia, and parts of modern-day Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Let's consider the approximate area of these regions combined to be around 4 million square kilometers.

3. Africa: While Alexander's empire did not extend deep into Africa, he did occupy parts of Egypt and Libya. To estimate the area, let's consider it to be around 500,000 square kilometers.

By adding these estimated figures, we can approximate the total area of Alexander's empire:

100,000 sq km (Europe) + 4,000,000 sq km (Asia) + 500,000 sq km (Africa) = 4,600,000 square kilometers

So, at its height, Alexander the Great's empire covered approximately 4.6 million square kilometers.