How large was Alexander's original kingdom in Macedonia?

It's been estimated to have covered about 16,680 square miles. Check these sites for a map and more detaisl.

To determine the size of Alexander's original kingdom in Macedonia, we need to gather some historical information. Alexander the Great, the ancient Greek king, expanded his empire through military conquests. His original kingdom was Macedonia, a region located in the northern part of contemporary Greece.

To estimate the size of Alexander's original kingdom, we can refer to historical records. One such source is the ancient Greek historian, Arrian, who wrote the "Anabasis of Alexander." According to Arrian, Alexander's kingdom of Macedonia encompassed an area of approximately 67,000 square kilometers (about 26,000 square miles).

It's important to note that this measurement refers specifically to the size of Macedonia before Alexander's conquests. As he expanded his empire, his kingdom grew significantly larger, eventually including territories from Greece to Egypt, Persia, and even parts of India.

Therefore, to get an accurate understanding of the overall size of Alexander's empire, it is necessary to consider the extent of his conquests beyond his original kingdom of Macedonia.