how can i summarize the arguments against the constitution in one sentene. :(

You try it and we'll be glad to comment on your answer.

the Anti-Federalist did not want too much power to be given to the Federal Government?

Good job! :-)

To summarize the arguments against the constitution in one sentence, you could say: "Opponents criticized the constitution for potentially concentrating too much power in the federal government and lacking adequate protection of individual rights, leading to their desire for a Bill of Rights."

To arrive at this summary, you can follow these steps:
1. Research the arguments against the constitution during its formation, such as those raised by the Anti-Federalists.
2. Review their concerns, focusing on issues like a strong central government, potential abuse of power, lack of individual rights protections, and the desire for a Bill of Rights.
3. Identify common threads and patterns in these arguments.
4. Combine these elements into a concise summary sentence that captures the main points.