what was the reason for l.p. ray building the dust pan?


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To understand the reason for L.P. Ray building the dust pan, we need to gather information about L.P. Ray and his work. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find the answer:

1. Start by searching for information about L.P. Ray. Use search engines or online databases to find any relevant biographical details about him. Look for information about his background, profession, and any notable accomplishments or inventions.

2. Once you have some background information about L.P. Ray, search for information specifically related to the dust pan. Look for any documentation, articles, or interviews where L.P. Ray discusses his motivation behind building the dust pan. This might provide insights into his thought process and intentions.

3. Evaluate the sources you find to ensure reliability and credibility. Look for reputable sources such as scholarly articles, reliable news outlets, or reliable biographical accounts.

4. Combine the information you gather to determine the reason for L.P. Ray building the dust pan. Look for any common themes, goals, or problems that may have influenced his decision to build the invention. Consider factors such as practicality, efficiency, environmental concerns, or potential needs in the market.

Remember that each individual's motivation can vary, and without direct quotes or documented insights from L.P. Ray himself, the answer might not be conclusive.