2t^2 - 18t + 5t - 45

2t(t - 9) + 5 (t - 9)

(t - 9) (2t + 5)

Is this correct?

2t^2 - 18t + 5t - 45

2 t^2 - 13 t -45
yes, right

Umm, If I can remember correctly, there is only 3 terms, so you don't have to factor by grouping. I'm not sure if this is right or not but I'll try it.

I got 2t^2-23t-45
then I use FOIL
(2t - 5 )(t - 9 ) < answer

oh wait nvm i did math wrong

i think the answer is (2t + 5(t - 9)

(2t + 5)(t - 9)

Did not have to factor by grouping, but it was easier that way because the grouping was given. I did it the conventional way to check.


Yes, your factoring is correct.

To verify if your factoring is correct, you can use the distributive property to expand the factored form and see if it equals the original expression.

Let's expand the factored form (t - 9)(2t + 5):

(t - 9)(2t + 5) = t(2t) + t(5) - 9(2t) - 9(5)
= 2t^2 + 5t - 18t - 45

By combining like terms, we get:
= 2t^2 + 5t - 18t - 45

Therefore, the expanded form matches the original expression, confirming that your factoring is correct.