Solve for x. (25e^0.1x)/(e^(0.1x) + 3) = 10

e^2.5x / (e^(0.1x) + 3) = 10
e^(2.5x - 0.1x) + 1/3 = 10
e^2.4x = 29/3
ln^(e^(2.4x)) = ln(29/3)
2.4x = ln(29/3)
x = 0.945

Is that correct?

Let e^.1 x = y

25 y /(y+3) = 10
25 y = 10 y + 30
15 y = 30
y = 2
e^.1 x = 2
ln e^.1x = ln 2
.1 x = ln 2
x = 10 ln 2
= 6.931

Express the given quantity as a single logarithm.

ln(1+x^8)+ln(x)- ln(sin(x))

Let's check step by step:

1. Start with the equation: (25e^(0.1x))/(e^(0.1x) + 3) = 10

2. Multiply both sides of the equation by (e^(0.1x) + 3) to eliminate the denominator:
(25e^(0.1x)) = 10(e^(0.1x) + 3)

3. Expand the equation:
25e^(0.1x) = 10e^(0.1x) + 30

4. Subtract 10e^(0.1x) from both sides of the equation:
25e^(0.1x) - 10e^(0.1x) = 30

5. Simplify the equation:
15e^(0.1x) = 30

6. Divide both sides of the equation by 15 to isolate e^(0.1x):
e^(0.1x) = 2

7. Take the natural logarithm of both sides of the equation to solve for x:
ln(e^(0.1x)) = ln(2)

8. Using the logarithm property, ln(e^(0.1x)) simplifies to 0.1x:
0.1x = ln(2)

9. Divide both sides of the equation by 0.1 to solve for x:
x = ln(2)/0.1

Using a calculator, we can find an approximate value for x:

x ≈ 2.30259 / 0.1

x ≈ 23.0259

So, the correct solution is x ≈ 23.0259, not 0.945.

Yes, your calculation is mostly correct. However, there is a small mistake in the step where you obtain the equation e^(2.5x - 0.1x) + 1/3 = 10. Actually, the correct equation should be e^(2.4x) + 1/3 = 10.

From there, you correctly isolate the exponential term and simplify the equation to e^(2.4x) = 29/3. To solve for x, you take the natural logarithm (ln) of both sides, which gives ln(e^(2.4x)) = ln(29/3).

The natural logarithm of e^(2.4x) can be simplified to 2.4x, so you have 2.4x = ln(29/3).

Finally, divide both sides by 2.4 to solve for x, giving you x = ln(29/3) / 2.4. Numerically evaluating this expression gives x ≈ 0.945.

So, your final answer is correct. Well done!