I used the U-subsitution

(x + 1)^2 - 11 (x + 1) + 24

u^2 - 11u +24

(u + 3) (u - 8) should this be (u - 3)?

(x + 1 + 3) (x + 1 - 8)

(x + 4) (x - 7) or should it be (x - 2)

Can anyone explain which is the correct answer


(x + 1)^2 - 11 (x + 1) + 24

u^2 - 11u +24

(u + 3) (u - 8) should this be (u - 3)?

Yes, both signs are negative.


To solve the expression using u-substitution, you correctly substituted u for (x + 1):

(x + 1)^2 - 11(x + 1) + 24 becomes u^2 - 11u + 24

You then factored the quadratic expression u^2 - 11u + 24. However, there seems to be a mistake in your factorization. Let's correct it:

u^2 - 11u + 24 can be factored as (u - 3)(u - 8)

Now, substitute back in the original variable x:

(x + 1 + 3)(x + 1 - 8) becomes (x + 4)(x - 7)

So, the correct factorization is (x + 4)(x - 7).

It seems you were confused regarding the signs. In the factorization, we have (u - 3) and (u - 8), not (u + 3) and (u - 8). Similarly, when substituting back, we obtain (x + 4)(x - 7), not (x + 4)(x - 2).