Inverse function


And I got root(7(x))+1
which is the (7root of x)+1

If f(x)=x^7 -1


g(x)=(x+1)^1/7 or the seventh root of (x+1)


I sort of figured this one out after a lot of searching online

To find the inverse function of f(x) = x^7 - 1, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Replace f(x) with y: y = x^7 - 1.

Step 2: Swap x and y: x = y^7 - 1.

Step 3: Solve for y: Add 1 to both sides of the equation: x + 1 = y^7.

Step 4: To get rid of the exponent on y, take the seventh root of both sides: (x + 1)^(1/7) = y.

Therefore, the inverse function of f(x) = x^7 - 1 is given by g(x) = (x + 1)^(1/7).

So, the expression "root(7(x)) + 1" or "(7th root of x) + 1" is correct. It represents the inverse function of f(x) = x^7 - 1.